Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Bed Rest.....

A lot has been happening since our doctor's visit on Monday, November 3rd. The doctor put me on bed rest for a week because he is worried about my body being able to hold the baby in for the length of the pregnancy. So, we went back to the doctor on Monday, November 10th. The condition did not worsen, but he would like to continue to take it easy.

Now, we are on bed rest on a week to week basis for about a month. The doctor would like to see us make it week 22 without any negative changes. Brad, Baby Emmel, and I will go to the doctor weekly for check-ups so that he can monitor our progress.

The good news is, as far as we know right now, Baby E seems to be just fine! Whew!! We are going for our full sonogram on Thursday, November 20th!! Yippeee!!!
Keep your fingers crossed that my condition improves! Again, Baby Emmel is just fine, we are just working on keeping he or she inside the belly for as long as possible!!

Right now, the baby is at 18 1/2 weeks.

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