Friday, October 17, 2008

What to do...what to do....

Brad and I can't decide if we should find out if the baby is a boy or a girl! Any thoughts?!?!?

P.S. Thank you, Roger, for the advice!

P.P.S. Baby Emmel is 15 weeks today!


karrie said...

with all 3 of mine i couldn't wait.. it would have killed me ... lol... i don't think it will matter either way... it might be alittle harder to shop for baby emmel if you don't know the sex.. but either way you go i'm sure you will be just as happy.. congrats again... karrie

one of the many Skogen families running about... said...

find out! Then you can really prepare - paint walls, buy pink or blue clothes, bedding, etc. I couldn't imaging not knowing!

natalie said...

I didn't want to know, but under financial necessity, my mother and roommate found out...I accidently found out by my neighbor! If you like is the best! I would not find out with my next one though...and neither would anyone I knew(surprises under those circumstances are best) Or keep it a secret to family and friends, just you and your husband know!