Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Get Ready to Meet Baby E!!!!!

Yesterday, Brad and I went to the doctor again and found out that we will be having a scheduled c-section on Thursday, April 2nd!!!! Yeah for getting to meet our baby soon!! The baby has not turned and is still in the breech position. So the doctor thinks it will be best to have a c-section, because it's not very likely that Baby E will change positions at this point in the pregnancy.

Everything looks great with the baby... fluid levels and respitory movements are good. The doctor is predicting that he or she is somewhere between 6 and 6 1/2 pounds.

We are super excited about next week. Keep checking back for pictures after the baby is born!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Week 36/ Doctor's Appointment...

We visited the doctor again yesterday for our Week 36 appointment. Everything looks great witht the baby. He estimated that he or she weighs 5 1/2 pounds right now. He also did a quick ultrasound to check on baby's movement and found that the fluid levels around the baby are great and the heartbeat is still very strong.

Baby E is still in a breech position. So, we will see if he or she continues to be stubborn or decides to turn within the next few weeks.

We will be going to the doctor every week from now until we meet Baby Emmel!