Saturday, January 24, 2009

Moving right along....

Week 30: Here we come!!

Today marks the beginning of our 30th week of pregnancy!! It is hard to believe that in 7 weeks, our baby will be considered full term!! The doctor said at our last appointment that because bed rest has been successful, he is more confident that we could make it to the due date.

Since our last post, I've had blood work done and found out that I am not anemic and do not have gestesional diabetes. I've also have had the injection to protect against any problems that would arise because of having Rh negative blood. So, overall, the last couple of weeks have run very smoothly.

As for Baby Emmel, during the 29th and 30th weeks, he or she is basically working on getting bigger and stronger! The baby's bones should be fully developed but are still soft and pliable. Baby E probably weighs around 3 pounds right now and will gain about 1/2 pound a week until week 37.

Our next check up is on Monday, January 26th. But, we are more excited to see the doctor in a couple of weeks for a 3D ultrasound!! The date for the ultrasound is Friday, February 6th. We will post pictures as soon as we get them!! (And in case you are wondering... we still won't be peeking to see if the baby is a boy or a girl! We can wait and so can you! Hehe! Have fun guessing!)

Saturday, January 10, 2009

An ending and a beginning!

We are officially ending the second trimester and beginning the third! Yeah for getting closer to meeting Baby Emmel!!

During the 27th and 28th weeks, the baby's lungs, liver, and immune systems are continuing to mature. Baby Emmel has probably tripled in length from week 12! He or she weighs between 2 and 3 pounds. The baby's eyes are beginning to open and close. He or she is sleeping for about 20 or 30 minutes at a time.

We will be going back to the doctor on Tuesday, January 13th for a check up and some testing. The doctor has put me on bed rest until Baby Emmel arrives, so right now, we are heading to the doctor about once a week still.

On Tuesday, we will have a standard gestational diabetes screening. The doctor will also be looking more into my blood type. I am Rh negative and will need to have an injection to protect myself and the baby in case he or she is Rh positive. From what the doctor said last week, this is a pretty common pregnancy issue. We'll learn more on Tuesday!