Thursday, December 25, 2008

From Baby Emmel...

Hi everyone! It's Christmas and I got some really neat stuff!! Thank you for all my cool books, clothes, shoes, and toys!!! Yipppeeee! I love Christmas already!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can't wait to meet you!! (Sorry I can't come sooner, but I'm currently working on my lungs, footprints, fingerprints, and sense of balance!)

Love, Baby Emmel (aka Peanut)

PS... I turn 25 weeks in the womb tomorrow!!!! :) :) :)

Friday, December 5, 2008

Week 22 and Recent Doctor's Appointment

Today marks week 22 for Baby Emmel! The baby should weigh about a pound by now. His or her taste buds are forming! Baby E is also experiencing the sensation of touch for the first time!

Earlier this week we went back to the doctor. The news was a little better than expected! Basically, the bed rest is working and the doctor was pleased that nothing has gotten worse. He would like me to stay on bed rest through the end of December for now. At that point he said he would actually consider sending me back to work for a while! It was great to hear that he is confident that things are at least staying stable for now.

Until next time...