Friday, September 19, 2008

September 19th - WEEK 11!

We are almost out of the 1st trimester.... YEAH! As of week 11, the baby should be about 1.6 inches in length. His or her fingers and toes have seperated and nails are beginning to grow. Also, the baby's tummy is starting to digest food! (I'm sure he or she loved the Cinnabon Jenn had today!!)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Our 1st Doctor's Visit - Monday, September 8th

Today, Brad and Jenn went to the doctor for our first ultrasound. The doctor said everything looked just fine and he was able to see the heartbeat. Brad and Jenn could see the baby's little legs kicking back and forth! At this point, the baby measures at 9 weeks and 3 days. We will be going to the doctor again on Monday, October 6th.

10 WEEKS! Friday, September 12th

We are ten weeks. At this time, Baby Emmel is about 1 inch long and weighs about 1/6 of an ounce. The baby's bones are forming in his or her limbs. The kidneys and lungs are already present but not fully formed yet.